Class HP_table

Code: hyperbolic/HP_table.mpl

An instance of this class encapsulates data about a family of cromulent isomorphisms $HX(a_H) \to PX(a_P)$ for various values of $a_H$ and $a_P$

Field: H_to_P_maps::table

A table of objects of class H_to_P_map, indexed by values of a_H

Field: P_to_H_maps::table

A table of objects of class P_to_H_map, indexed by values of a_P

Field: H_to_P_num_samples::posint = 200
Field: H_to_P_poly_deg::posint = 20
Field: H_to_P_num_steps::posint = 20
Field: P_to_H_poly_deg::posint = 20
Field: P_to_H_num_charts::posint = 10
Field: P_to_H_tolerance::RR1 = .1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e-19
Field: P_to_H_gap::RR1 = .2e-1
Field: a_H_to_a_P_spline = NULL
Constructor: `new/HP_table`()

Method: a_H_indices()
Method: a_P_indices()
Method: a_H_a_P_pairs()
Method: a_P_a_H_pairs()
Method: set_spline()
Method: a_H_to_a_P(a)
Method: a_P_to_a_H(a)
Method: add_a_H(a0)
Method: remove_a_H(a0)
Method: add_a_P(a0)
Method: remove_a_P(a0)
Method: a_H_a_P_plot()
Method: a_P_a_H_plot()
Method: spline_plot()
Method: full_plot()
Method: spline_plot_tikz()